14 Times President Obama Proved He Was The Coolest of Them All


    4. Between Zach and Obama

Obama’s interview with Zach Galifianakis on “Between Two Ferns” is the funniest back and forth you must have seen a U.S President in. Unless you saw the 2016 Presidential debates. Then, this is the second best funniest back and forth for you.  Some of the comments made by him like “I think it’s a good idea(not to have to run for a third time). It’s like the third Hangover movie. Didn’t work out well. Did it?”

President Obama


    5.  Pass that Blunt.

It’s not a secret that he was a marijuana user. During the 2016 White House Correspondents’ Dinner he joked “And yet somehow, despite all this, despite the churn, in my final year my approval ratings keep going up. The last time I was this high I was trying to decide on my major.”

President Obama


    6. The Interview

Obama went on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert where Colbert dressed as Randy, generic-looking office manager, preparing the President for his next job. Randy wanted to know why he didn’t earn a promotion in the last eight years. “There wasn’t a lot of room for advancement in my last job,” The coolest President replied. “The only one with a more powerful position was my wife.”

President Obama



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