17 Signs That You And Your Best Friend Beat Every Couple Out There!


13. Your fights are like mini-breakups in a relationship

Because they involve all those temper tantrums, heated arguments and what not. And the inability to exist without each other solves them.

best friend couple


14. You sometimes become possessive of them

How can someone be best friends with my best friend! No one can have that position.

best friend couple


15. To be not with them is unbearable

You feel like missing heartbeats when you’re not with them.

best friend couple


16. When I say I won’t tell anyone, it does not include my bestie

Because, Hello! They are like one of my organs, can I exclude him/her? Noooo.

best friend couple


17. You’re not okay, and I know that

They just know, somehow, that you’re upset and become our angels to the rescue.

best friend couple


In this “modern” world of dating where “friends with benefits” trumps over committed relationships, friendship still manages to take the crown. At times the importance of friends may be lost on us, but circumstances have a way of making us realise how crucial they- a second family we have. Everyone has friends but that one person you’re totally weird and are simply “You.” Who is that special out-of-world personality- Your best friend who beats any couple out there.



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