22 Jokes Only People With Dark Humor Will Understand.


Have your ever caught yourself struggling with a joke? When everyone else is laughing and you are trying to figure out what makes the joke so funny. Well, you haven’t been in this situation because you are smart, aren’t you? Dark humor can be offensive, clever, morbid and it’s still considered funny. Generally, people with dark humor have high IQ and a new study proves that smart people tend to like sick jokes and love throwing them whenever possible. Here we have got some jokes from various sources that only people with dark humor will understand. Let’s take a look!

These 22 sick jokes will light up your day, and if you do not find these jokes funny, you aren’t smart enough to understand the humor. Good luck!

1. I know this one’s lame. Did you get it? 😀

dark humor jokes

2. Grandpa jokes never get old 😀

dark humor jokes

3. Pretty easy to understand :p

dark humor jokes

4. Lol !

dark humor jokes

5. Brilliant

dark humor jokes

6. Got it?

dark humor jokes

7. Nasty

dark humor jokes

8. Savage

dark humor jokes

9. Clever logic

dark humor jokes

10. Logicians

dark humor jokes

11. For nerds

dark humor jokes

12. You need a programmer mind to understand this :p

dark humor jokes

13. Hahaha 😀

dark humor jokes

14. Best example ever

dark humor jokes

15. This one is older than dinosaurs but worth sharing :p

dark humor jokes

16. Another joke for nerds

dark humor joke

17. Nothing to laugh about. It happens

dark humor jokes

18. Oops!

dark humor jokes

19. Lol! We all want that

dark humor jokes

20. There you go, loners 😀

dark humor jokes

21. You all have a dirty mind

dark humor jokes

22. 2 mins silence for our heroes out there

dark humor jokes

Well, these jokes aren’t very hard to get but there are few homo sapiens out there who still don’t get it. Share it with your friends, at least they can spend some time here than being on Facebook all day. If you have any jokes that only people with dark humor can understand, don’t forget to share with us in the comment section. And to let you guys know that I uploaded a photograph of my new Chinese girlfriend. So far she’s got 1.3 billion alikes on Facebook 😉


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