15 Ancient Torture Methods Which Were Scary Af


7. Scaphism.

Scaphism, or the boats, was one of the ancient torture methods in Persia. The intended victim was strapped inside a boat and was covered with milk and honey to attract insects. The victim was also fed regularly and would swim in their excrement. After a few days, maggots and worms would devour their body as they decayed alive.

ancient torture methods


8. The Brazen Bull.

The Brazen Bull, or the Sicilian Bull was an execution method designed in ancient Greece. The victim was placed inside the bull made of solid brass with a door with a latch to open and close. Fire was placed underneath until it became yellow hot. The victim was then roasted slowly, the bull was so designed that their screams would be amplified and sound like the bellowing of the bull.

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9. Impalement.

Famous as one of the most cruel torturers if the medieval ages, Vlad the impaler ( Vlad Dracula) of Romania, used impalement as a method of execution. The victim was stabbed with a spear (or at times made to sit on it.) when the spear was raised upright and victim was left to slide down the pole with their own weight. It could take the victim 3 days to die using this method and it has been said that Vlad once did this to 20,000 people all while enjoying a meal.

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