10 Apocalypse Scenarios That are Long Overdue….


9.How about “hot Mudding”?

Lahars,  giant flows of hot mud, trees and water, rolling forward with the consistency of a zillion tons of wet cement and at speeds up to 60mph. They can ruin every single thing in their way. And Lahars, well, they don’t care. They don’t need Volcanic eruptions to stimulate them!The last that had happened was in 1985 in Nevado!

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10. Space hates you!

Well, the final one, what else could it be! The cosmic junk can anytime take a decision to dump the earth into a black hole or shut down the sun! They can also decide to throw some asteroids on the surface of the Earth! What can you imagine…? The outer space is just giving you a chance out of courtesy! It hates you, me and everyone!

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So, this all can happen at once creating apocalypse scenarios! Have you thought about that?



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