Artist Draws Comics About Life That Is Full Of Awkward Little Moments.


Life isn’t a bed of roses, we all know that, don’t we? Well, there are always going to be those awkward little moments that make you feel like you don’t really know how to live well enough. But, hold on, you’re not the only one who faces these moments in life, we can totally relate to it.

Artist Devin Le creates illustrations about life that is full of awkward little moments and we all relate to it too well.

1. We all know the struggle of facing people every day, I mean, ask us introverts, we hate people, we hate trying to start a conversation or keep it going.
awkward little moments

2. This is the 21st century you stupid witch nobody’s gonna ever fall for that apple trick anymore, especially when they can simply order a pizza and be happy.
awkward little moments3. I was not ready for the ending, but seriously, 10 miles is a bit too much to deal, don’t you think?
awkward little moments4. Waking up without snoozing your alarm is definitely one of the biggest college accomplishments. Don’t even try to argue with me their!
awkward little moments5. Isn’t these the real monsters that actually try to make us want to kill ourselves every moment. Dads, to give you a reality check after all!
awkward little moments6. Oh, My, God, why is this so true? I mean, I can’t believe that I’m not the only one who does this every time!
7. Asking what’s already yours isn’t really a crime you know, I’m sure he’d return it someday.
8. So this is the real reason why despite of all our efforts they get tangled up always. *sighs*

9. If this isn’t my whole life, why am I like this? I hate you procastrination!

10. Nicely done dude. Definitely happy for you!

11. That is the most painful thing ever, I wouldn’t wish that even on my worst enemy. Or maybe I would?

12. Looks like it’s gonna be trouble at the workplace.

13. Honestly, nobody wants to hang around with a vegan. Sorry, not sorry.
awkward little momentssource

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