Hair Turning Gray? Check Out These Awesome Tricks And Say Graying Hair Goodbye!


7. Lemon juice and Almond oil mixture.

As stated above the benefits of lemon juice and almond oil, combining them together will also help you in preventing hair from turning gray.

awesome tricks to get rid off graying hair


Combine the juice of 1 lemon and 5 teaspoons of almond oil, mix them well. Apply it on your scalp and roots. Leave for 30 minutes and then rinse off with warm water.

8. Use biotin rich products.

Biotin is a natural ingredient that maintains the natural black color of our hair. When hair starts turning gray at a very young age, means that your body is deficient of biotin.

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So to replenish it eat more biotin rich food such as almond and oat. Use cosmetics and hair products which have a rich biotin content in them.

9. Use natural hair dyes.

These days hair products are made up of chemicals which actually cause more damage than the outside pollution does.

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So, to avoid this, use homemade dyes. The simplest trick is to use scalp nourishing ingredients, boil tea leaves in water for about 15 mins, let it cool add natural oils. Apply it on your scalp and hair with this mixture. Wash your hair regularly with this natural color to get rid of white hair.


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