15 Awful Life Lessons That Our Dreamy Disney Movies Have Taught Us


13. Aladdin– Lie, lie and lie away, you’ll probably end up as royalty. Telling the truth is old-fashioned after all

Yep, make it a habit if you want to end up with the riches of the world like Aladdin did, plus you get the girl too. Win, win situation right? Screw honesty.

life lessons Disney movies


14. Sleeping Beauty– It’s okay if your “true love” lands a kiss upon you without even introducing himself first

Just wake up and accept them just like that, no matter you’re practically strangers and you should have banged their head for being a pervert . Oh no, no, marry them, go on.

life lessons Disney movies


15. Alice in Wonderland– Unknown place? Suspicious food items with labels on them like- “Drink me” “Eat me”? Consume them, what are you waiting for, you doofus!

life lessons Disney movies


Well, what can I say? Disney movies have a penchant for painting such life lessons into their plotlines which get hidden in their glamorous and glittery story.


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