Ever Thought Why Do People Say “Bless You!” After You Sneeze? Here’s Why.


Origin of this blessing

people say bless you when you sneeze


This is one of those things which nobody exactly knows where it originated from, but there are some theories that people believe might have started this saying. One such theory is of  Pope Gregory initiating bless you. As far as the story goes this started when an epidemic; plague broke out in the 6th century (yeah this is that old!). When he was on the streets, a man suffering from the plague had died, and Pope Gregory had used the phrase “bless you.”

people say bless you when you sneezevia

Wondering how is the plague connected to this? The sneeze was one of the major symptoms of this disease, and from then on, people who sneezed was blessed with good health by using the phrase “God bless you!”


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