11 Deadly Parasitic Infections That Will Creep The Hell Out Of You


The world is indeed a deadly place and shelters certain tiny yet horrifying things. Amongst them, one is parasites. Some of the parasitic infections caused because of them are so dreadful that you might not be able to even view their effects.

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Here are 12 parasitic infections you wish even your worst enemy doesn’t get infected by.

1. Taeniasis

Taeniasis is basically a type of Tapeworm. You don’t see any symptoms while they are inside your body. However, when you poop, you might see these worms just wiggling around in your commode.

Parasitic Infections



2. Bot fly larva

Bot fly larva is probably one of the weirdest parasitic infections you could ever see. Bot fly lays its eggs under human skin and then after a period of few days, its offspring crawls its way out to the outside world.

Parasitic Infections



3. Ascaris

Though Ascaris is one of the most common parasitic worms that is found in the human body, it is as deadly as the rest. These worms migrate to your lungs and then shelter their larvae there.

Parasitic Infections



4.  Onchocerciasis

This parasite lives in human bodies for as long as 15 years and is one of the major causes of blindness.

Parasitic Infections



5. Lymphatic Filariasis

Lymphatic Filariasis is responsible for a terrifying disease commonly known as Elephantiasis. It’s a tropical parasite caused by tiny nematode worms. They can completely fill the lymphatic system and make the life of victim absolutely miserable.

Parasitic Infections



6. Guinea worms

Contaminated water is mainly responsible for the spread of Guinea worms. They generally just stay in your stomach for about three months and after that, they bore out through your body.

Parasitic Infections


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7. Cutaneous leishmaniasis

Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a skin infection caused due to sand fly bites. These sores, if severe, can lead to death of the infected person.

Parasitic Infections



8. Screw-Worm Fly

If this fly finds an open wound, it lays its eggs on it and then the offsprings start feeding off the flesh. This parasitic infection may even lead to the death of a person if he or she does not take proper treatment.

Parasitic Infections



9. African Trypanosomiasis

 Flies transfer African Trypanosomiasis parasite that multiplies within the tissue, blood and lymph nodes of the body and then attacks the nervous system.

Parasitic Infections



10. Naegleria

Naegleria is one of those deadly parasites that live in brain of the host. It might lead to death of the infected person within just three to seven days.

Parasitic Infections



11. Candiru

It is a small parasitic cat fish and is one of the most feared fishes in the Amazon river.

Parasitic Infections




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