11 Desperate Activities People Did To Attract Their Ex


When it comes to attracting someone, people tend to do all sort of desperate activities especially to attract their ex. These weird things change to desperate activities when the matter is about their ex. Yes, this is one thing all of us have done one time or the other. Despite the person leaving us, despite the relationship ending on a bitter note, we somehow try to gain the attention of those who left. “You are not supposed to give up on someone,” a common excuse all of us make and some people actually follow it.

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Here are 11 desperate activities people did To Attract Their Ex that will make you laugh hard!

1. Faking pregnancy to attract your exes? How desperate are you really?


Desperate Activities People Did To Attract Their Ex


2. That’s more than ‘insane’. This one for sure falls in the top 5 of desperate activities. These people need to remember why exes are called an ex. There’s a reason behind it. 

Desperate Activities People Did To Attract Their Ex


3. Because a divorce deserves to be celebrated. But isn’t it supposed to make you sad?

Desperate Activities People Did To Attract Their Ex


4. When creativity meets your ex, this happens. Whoever did this must be an artist!

Desperate Activities People Did To Attract Their Ex


5. And the award for the best revenge-on-ex goes to! How do such ideas come to people’s mind?

Desperate Activities People Did To Attract Their Ex


6.Q-How far can you go to attract your ex? A-Get on the google maps after dumping waste outside their house.

Desperate Activities People Did To Attract Their Ex


7.Ouch! That hurts. That simply hurts. But this is true after all. 

Desperate Activities People Did To Attract Their Ex


8.When you want to tell the whole world about your crazy ex and you can get no better idea than doing this. 

Desperate Activities People Did To Attract Their Ex


9.Will I be judged for saying how savage and hilarious Dave is? Asking the prosthetic leg back is yet again more than all the disparate activities combined.

Desperate Activities People Did To Attract Their Ex


10.Take note, everyone even  Lasik laser surgery can help you attract anyone you want to. Even your ex!

Desperate Activities People Did To Attract Their Ex


11. I can think of a couple of people who would not be surprised after receiving this card from me.

Desperate Activities People Did To Attract Their Ex

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Hopefully, their ex would certainly give a minute to digest what they’ve done, and make a little reaction about it. But most of the time, these poor fellows get nothing from these measures.It’s funny to talk about these instances where desperate people show how low they are at sucking things up. I hope people don’t act like these people above. They are some proofs which tell us how bad people are at showing their worst.


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