Differences Between Real Friends And So Called Friends


10. No back bitching
Real friends would that bitch on your face rather bitching on your back, they will never hesitate to point out your flaws. Your so called friends are seriously very good at that.

Real friends and so called friends


11. You need not impress them
You can be yourself when you are with them, don’t have to make any effort to impress them. Whereas you are conscious around your so called friends, fearing that they might judge you.

Real friends and so called friends Via

12. Never miss a chance to insult you
Fake friends always use sugar coated words for you, they always speak about you highly at your face. Whereas real friends always make fun of you, because they know they don’t need to tell you how good you are.

Real friends and so called friends Via

So now you know who your real friends are?


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