Ever Thought Why Some Of The Airplanes Miss The 13th Row In Them?


Unlucky day
13th is considered and believed to be the most unlucky day by many people. But it doesn’t mean that we should skip the number 13 as a whole. Don’t you think that it’s way too superstitious? We should consider giving it a thought.
airplanes miss the 13th row


The luck matters
The flights, especially Reno Air makes sure that it totally boycotts the 13th row so that none of its passengers feel unlucky. There are times when the 13th number seems to be unlucky but completely avoiding it is a bit superstitious.
airplanes miss the 13th rowvia

So now you know the reason why some of the flights don’t have the 13th row in them which is absolutely absurd and silly. But the reason was worth knowing. So, now that you know, share it out with others so that they too know the reason behind it.


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