Beware! These 18 Facts Taught During School Times Are Absolute Lies.


4. ‘Sun rises in the east and sets in the west’.

There is nothing wrong with this universal fact except for the way it is portrayed. Much better option to teach students would be ‘It is the earth that rotates from West to East. Sun never rises or sets.’

18 lies taught during school times.


5. Newton, Apple and ‘The Eureka Moment’.

All of us are well aware about the very famous ‘Newton – Apple Theory’. Well, there is no documented evidence that confirms that the historical Apple banged straight into his head. (Though it has banged our syllabus for sure ) He wasn’t able to discover gravitational force in a nick of second. Nobody in school tells you about those two decades which Newton spent in researching on the same. In picture – Newton’s house and the Apple tree which was behind this idea of gravitational pull.

18 lies taught during school times.Via

6. Einstein flunked Mathematics. 

Think for yourself, Einstein failed at Mathematics and you people somehow manage to survive it. Sarcasm? Eh!  Einstein was a Maths prodigy and he had learnt  Arithmetic and Calculus before the age of 12. So chances of his failing at Mathematics are completely nullified. Though it can help Motivational speakers to inspire people like us.

18 lies taught during school times.Via 


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