This Is How He Will Break Your Heart, According To His Zodiac Sign!


7. Libra (Sept 23 – October 22)

He is always perplexed regarding his career and probably about you. Once he guesses you are not paying even slightest attention to him, he will not be platonic in a relationship. He doesn’t even really know what he wants from life, career or you. He is also not sure about you and will break your heart now and then. But, that after break up, he will make the best of exes.

How He Will Break Your Heart, According To His Zodiac Sign

8. Scorpio (October 23 -November 21)

Scorpio turns out to be too possessive and j; that will lead him to be controlling you like anything. He will love you intensely and show his anger even more intensely. During fights, he will speak malicious and disgusting things giving him an air of self-pride by humiliations. He will think you are not apt for him and go on and on demeaning you even when you no more speak to him. Also, he is never contended by one female as he always has so many ‘dazzling options.’


9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

He is carefree and tactical in impressing ladies, amongst all the zodiacs signs. He will sway you with his splendid words and romantic pseudo acts, way to excellent to take you down the lane of dreamy Princess world. His job is only to show you dreams and not to follow any of his words ever. So, enjoy his counterfeit promises and his fabricated words, but don’t get trapped into believing those fairy-tale stories and fake promises. Also, he will not bid you adieu once he will bump onto other lady and breaks up with you; he is that hasty with decisions.

How He Will Break Your Heart, According To His Zodiac Sign


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