12 Bad*ss Slogans From Indian Army That Will Give You Goosebumps!


Time and again our Defense forces have proven that they are irreplaceable. They have it in them! It ain’t easy to take a life… It takes what it takes.. Real Guts!

People join the forces not to gain recognition but it’s their passion.However, things done with love and passion do not go unnoticed…

Here’s a list of Army slogans that will make you get up and Salute them!

1.Beginning from the training

The hard earned life of a soldier is maintained to be tough from training itself. And they are trained to kill…

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2.No mercy was shown 

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3.Captain Vikram Batra

The Pakistanis called you “Sher Shah” for a reason. You truly deserved the Param Vir Chakra.

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4.Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey

Remained true to his words! He killed the death before it killed him. He conquered all the bunkers and fought with bullets on his body till the mission was accomplished.

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