15 Life Hacks Every College Student Will Appreciate


10. Get your textbooks by buying second hand ones or renting



No one wants to buy a textbook that will only be used once and will most likely be ignored more than half the time. Textbooks are also crazy expensive, and you probably don’t have the money to buy all of them. Instead of buying them new, you can buy old textbooks off third years, graduates or even friends who have already taken the course. They’ll probably be more than happy to sell you their books for a very low price just to get rid of them. You can also buy secondhand books at Amazon if you don’t have any friends (ouch). And if you really, really don’t want to buy it, why not rent it? There are textbook rental websites, that will ship out a book to you and allow you to keep it for a certain period of time.

11. Upgrade your maggi experience



Once you’re in college, you’ll realize how valuable of a food maggi is. At times when you’re on a very strict budget, maggi will be your breakfast, lunch, dinner and everything in between. You’re gonna pretend you’re not sick of it, but deep down, you’ll secretly start hating it. Of course, this can be avoided if you add some variety, and I’m not just talking about switching maggi flavors here.

To make your meal more enjoyable, add real meat and vegetable to your maggi. It could be chopped up green onion, crushed red pepper, scrambled, hard-boiled or poached eggs, ground pepper, sesame seeds, soy sauce, Sriracha sauce, mushrooms, greens and a whole bunch of other things. There are also plenty of maggi recipes you can find online if you don’t trust your cooking.

12. Scramble eggs in the microwave for an easy breakfast



Some college students are lucky enough to live in a place that will allow them to cook, but not lucky enough to be able to make anything due to time constraints. There are also students who simply do not know how to cook. If you are one of these two types, then you’re going to appreciate this college cooking hack: making scrambled eggs in the microwave using a mug. It’s extremely simple, and will only take a few minutes of your time.

To do this, first spray the mug with non-stick cooking spray. Crack two eggs into it, and then add a splash of milk and some shredded cheese. You can even add some salt or sugar depending on whether you like it salty or sweet. After that, place in the microwave for 45 seconds, stir, and then heat for another 45 seconds before stirring again…and your breakfast is ready! 


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