Wondering What Does It Mean When Your Palm Itches? Take A Look!


When it is the left one that is itchy it means that you will be losing money. The sources may be unpredictable but rest assured you will lose money (at least I have!). Not only this, this old tale has more to it. It often shows the new energies that are coming into your life(could be guests!).

palm itches


An old wives’ tale claims that an itch on the left hand indicates a forthcoming letter, and yet another superstitious belief holds that if the left palm itches, money is about to leave an individual’s hands.

What does it mean when your right palm itches?

palm itchesvia

Well, when it is your right one that is itchy you are allowed to jump, roll across the bed, dance! I’m just kidding, don’t. What I meant was you can be happy since you are about to get money!

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