14 Mind Boggling Questions Women Ask And How To Answer Them To Save Your Life


  1. What was your ex like? 

Uh oh. Mine-field, mine field! If you avoid the question it raises red flags, and don’t, by any chance, sound nostalgic when you are having the dreaded “Ex-talk.”

Best Answer– Stick to facts about her, don’t give opinions or she will get out that bazooka and blow you to bits for still having feelings for your ex.mind-boggling questions women ask


  1. What are you thinking?

Best Answer– Because, we women, when silent are thinking about a zillion matters so the proper answer would be how lucky you are feeling to have us contrary to the real “thinking” which bears no resemblance to the prior sentence as the most likely “thinking” you were doing was “Is India going to win the World Cup? “If I could just sleep now…” “Just stop talking!”

mind-boggling questions women ask


  1. What makes me attractive?

Comment on her looks you end being a superficial jerk who only has eyes for you know what. Compliment her intelligence and she would latch on to why you said nothing about her looks.

Best Answer– Safest bet? Say she is the complete package with BOTH beauty and brains.

mind-boggling questions women ask



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