14 Mind Boggling Questions Women Ask And How To Answer Them To Save Your Life


  1. Which colour looks better on me? 

And mind you, she is holding two shades of yellow, which to your eyes, are exactly the same.

Another one of the really mind boggling questions.

Best Answer– “Which colour do you like best?” The best option you have is to turn the question on her for she has already chosen one and just asked the question to see whether you, telepathically pick up which colour she choose. Annnd the victory is yours!

mind-boggling questions women ask


  1. How do I look? 

She wants you to compliment whatever the hell she is wearing even if it’s a skimpy towel AND tell her why on earth it suits her.


Best Answer- “It brings out the colour in your eyes sweetheart.” Yeah, flattering lines like that. That’s exactly what she wanted to hear.

mind-boggling questions women ask


  1. Where do you see this going?

This one feels like giving a test you have not prepared for. And that tone, oh lord, the way she asks the question you may as well have had burned her favourite cat, just saying.

Best Answer Well the best way to dodge this bullet would be to answer her question with a question- What’s going on your mind? She was expecting you to squirm in your seat not fire a question at her.

mind-boggling questions women ask



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