This Artist Recreates His Nightmares In Photos From His Sleep Paralysis And It’s Really Terrifying!


Others with the sleep paralysis have reached out to Nicolas, narrating their nightmares and asking for interpretations of these hallucinations. Feeling malevolent beings present in the room and difficulty in breathing are some of the common problems associated with the people suffering from this.

Nicolas Bruno recreates nightmares from his sleep paralysis


His ongoing series features his nightly terrors recreated using numerous random props, such as bowler hats, gas masks, lanterns, suitcases, arrows, and bath tubs, to name a few.

Nicolas Bruno recreates nightmares from his sleep paralysisvia

Lastly, Bruno says, “For people who haven’t experienced it, and say they want to – they really don’t.”

Nicolas Bruno recreates nightmares from sleep paralysisvia


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