Notes From Kids That Are Better Than Any Hollywood Screenplay


Kids are cute and amazing and everyone loves them for them being honest little cuties. The smaller this child, the cuter it is and the more people will love it. Kids often when in nursery or play school learn to write and speak and get a mischievous brain of themselves. This is also exactly the time when kids can get angry at parents or either get feelings about the parent’s love for them. Kids sometimes can get really smart and at the same time too cute. We all accept that once in life we might have written some notes to our parents when we were angry and that is a reminder of us being stupid when we were kids. My parents still have those notes stored with them as a memory, to be honest.

Below are some notes from kids that are better than any Hollywood Screenplay:

Love Hate, Ava.


She totally forgot that she was angry at her dad.

Legos have a pretty good following I guess.

She’ll really fire you, mom.

Someone doesn’t want to learn to play the violin.


Whatever the ‘porfeshenl’ reasons might be.

Special note to mommy.

Only one mom through the ages.

A true lollipop lover never tires.


And neither backs off.

The teacher gave a note.

The kindergarten teacher gave this note to my kid to give it to me, not sketchy at all.

Thanks for feeding me.

So, I won’t die.

She was nearly correct.


But, the best, definitely.

The daughter got old, so her childhood puzzles were sold but a piece was missing.


An hour later it was found with this note from the daughter and mailed to the new owner.

We know the next introduction of the Star Wars movie.

Lord Darth Vader furious over his $15.

The child’s love for his recently divorced teacher.


We can watch Tom and Jerry together. Teachers get notes like these not very often but when they do, their love just multiplies.


You better apologize for eating someone’s hair for god’s sake.

Yeah, not one of the phony notes the kid brings monthly.



The ‘techer’ even attached the proof this time that it’s real. The child is improvising!


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