8 Facts About Olympics That You Won’t Believe But Are Real!


4) Older than we thought.

The Olympics being currently telecast on our Television sets are actual ‘Modern Olympics’. Olympics have actually a much much older past dating back to circa 776 B.C. In those days, the games were held only at Olympia (thus the names Olympics) in Ancient Greece and participation was limited only to athletes from Greece (although few foreign athletes also participated from time to time). The event was more of a religious event than an athletic event and was initiated first as a sacrifice to Zeus, the God of sky and Thunder. The statue of Zeus in Olympia was actually one of seven wonders of Ancient World. With its rich history, Ancient Olympics is also attributed with popular myths which have been part of folklore ever since.

Pic: A runner in Ancient Olympics, Greece. 

facts you never knew about Olympics


3) Chariots of Fire- God and Eric Liddle

One man famously refused to compete in 100 meters sprint at Paris Olympics 1924 as it was Sabbath (God’s day) and he had to attend Church. The event sparked such a controversy that crown Prince of Britain had to intervene but Eric Liddle, World number 1 in 100 meters sprint at that time refused to oblige. Being one of the celebrated athletes of his generation, Eric trained for 400 meters sprint instead and upsetting all odds won a Gold medal by a considerable margin and forever marked his stamp in the history books. It is said that he ran the 400 meters as if it was running for 100 meters and in the process set up a new World record. Eric Liddle and 1924 Paris Olympics is a subject of the Oscar-winning movie ‘Chariots of Fire’ which won 4 Academy Awards including Best Picture of 1981.

Pic: Eric Liddle, the celebrated British Athlete who refused to run on Sunday. 

facts you never knew about Olympics


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