15 Things People Born Post 2000 Will Never Understand


There are some things which people born post 2000 will just never understand. With the changes in lifestyle, technology and various other aspects, the life of people born in the 1900s is much different than that of those born post 2000.

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Here are 15 Things people born post 2000 will never understand.

1. They will never understand the reason of fight you had with your best friend after not seeing your name in the random online game of “Who is your best friend?” On Facebook. 

born post 2000 never understand


2. That first disgraceful email address of yours which you don’t even claim to be belonging to you now.

born post 2000 never understand



3. When one of your friends used to get a flip phone especially Razr, all of us would just get jealous and ask our parents to buy one for you too.

born post 2000 never understandVia


4. They will never understand the joy of finding your crush’s live journal and reading every bit of it.

born post 2000 never understand



5. When touch screen devices were an extreme luxury, it felt premium to slide your thumb across the wheel of an Apple iPod to browse through your media directory.

born post 2000 never understandVia


6. The pleasure of illegally downloading music overnight was immense. You used to need hours just to download a few songs.

born post 2000 never understand




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