Popeye Could Have His Arms Removed Due To The Risky Method


Popeye is a well-known name if you’re a 90’s kid and was interested in cartoons Popeye would be one of your main interests. People have admired Popeye’s body and the way the character was presented. People have still dreamt about having bodies like Popeye that are too big. 21-year-old Kirill Tereshin from Russia has tried to gain a body like Popeye using medical injections but this could lead to his arms being removed!

Kirill Tereshin is an Ex-Soldier.


He’s an Ex-Russian soldier and professional bodybuilders. Most bodybuilders are inspired by Popeye but they don’t want a body like him by harming themselves.

He’s gained criticism on the Internet for this.

Kirill Tereshin has shown his biceps around on the internet and at first people like them. But, when he revealed how he gained them, people criticized him for methods her used.

He injected himself with homemade injections.

He’s injecting himself with Synthol. Synthol is made up of 85% oil, 7.5% lidocaine, and 7.5% alcohol, and Tereshin which is made from olive oil, lidocaine, and benzyl alcohol.

Doctors and Professionals don’t approve of his method.

His method is too risky for himself and the enhancement of his biceps is giving him incurable diseases in his biceps.

So far, he has injected himself with 6-liters of this solution!

His biceps are just filled with this liquid and he still intends to keep injecting himself in the hopes of having a perfect Popeye-like body.

He’s warned that he might have to lose his arms because of this!

But, he still insists on going on to achieve his dream and complete his obsession.

Either the stroke or his whole arm might have to be removed in the Future.

“He very likely faces amputation in the future,” Professor Eugene Lilin explained. “One-day abscesses will develop, then inflammation and he [will be at risk of] a stroke.”

It’ll be even worse if he doesn’t stop injecting Synthol.

Lilin continued “The bad thing is that already-injected Synthol or it will remain in his muscles for the next five to seven years, even if he stops adding more now.”

He’s aware and has started campaigning on Instagram.

He knows what he might suffer from his malpractice and has started an Instagram tag “bazooka arms are about to fall off” to make people aware of his condition and concern about his health.

Just look at him!



He’s a normal guy who isn’t even big, the muscles don’t suit him, his body is thin. It’s his dream and obsession with Popeye that’s killing him.


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