Did You Know That Your Position Of Legs Can Reveal A Lot About You?!


2. Position B.

position of legs reveal about you


If you see someone sitting with their legs crossed, you know what they are. These people are usually dreamers with a vivid imagination. These people are always up with new ideas and are very appreciated at work. They don’t take crap from anybody and usually hate routine work or anything that will suck out their positive energy. But they love to travel the world and meet new people.

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3. Position C.

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I’m definitely one of these people. If you see someone sitting in this posture know this, they value comfort above everything. Whether it’s clothes or food they want everything according to their comfort. Regarding their choices of clothes, perfumes, shoes or furniture they are extremely picky. They are disorganized most of the time. But they can easily adapt to messy situations. Their mind wanders constantly hence they can’t really focus on one particular thing.

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