12 Random Facts About Urine You Wouldn’t Have Imagines


7. Good for skin

A synthetic version of urea (which is a component of urine) is often used in moisturizers because it softens skin and in higher doses can be used as an exfoliator. Urea can also treat athlete’s foot. But don’t mistake your actual urine and rub that on your body, or else you’ll be a disgusting person.


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8. Never drink it

If you got inspired by Man v/s Wild or anything related to survival without water, don’t believe it. Urine contains salt and it will dehydrate you more. Though being a normal person you would never even think so.


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9. Cat urine glows under a black light

Actually, a black light can be used to detect many bodily fluids, but cat pee, in particular, lights up under the light. It contains phosphorus, which glows in the presence of oxygen, even when a black light isn’t on. So, next time you find a black cat don’t shoo her away and test this.

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