13 Reasons To Legalize Marijuana – Are You In Support ?


    7. Legalised marijuana will become the drug of choice.

If legalised marijuana will become the drug of choice over Cigarettes and alcohol. Which of course, lobbyists and industrialists don’t want.

legalise marijuana


    8. Cannabis is 114 Times Less Toxic Than That Other Legal Substance, Alcohol.

In a comparative analysis of the risks of recreational drugs, alcohol was the top contender, while cannabis was considered the lowest risk, making cannabis literally 114 times safer to use than alcohol, a legal substance for adults ages 21 and up. Can we legalise it now?

legalise marijuana


    9. Spirituality will rise.

No. I am not kidding. The spiritual aspects of cannabis are considered so profound in South Asia that many religious groups including Buddhists, Maths, Shaivites and Goddess Worshippers have incorporated it into meditation practices, as a means to stop the mind and enter into a state of profound stillness, also called Samadhi.

Cannabis is even mentioned in the Indian creation myth, where it is named as one of the five nectars of the gods and designated a “Reliever of Suffering.” In the original myth, the gods churn the Ocean of Milk in search of Amrita, the elixir of eternal life. One of the resulting nectars was cannabis. In the Vedas, cannabis is referred to as a “source of happiness.”

Donald Trump just became the President of the US. The world can use a little bit more of spirituality.

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