12 Reasons Why Men Deserve the “Crazy” Title More Than Women!


4.And when you give them the “Space”, they want to come close again 

Are we’re insane? They are one hell of a confused creature and doesn’t know what they actually want from you.

men deserve crazy women

5.When they act like douche bags, they blame us if we lose it 

According to the laws of gravity, if you drop something, it will fall. Similarly, gentlemen, if you openly flirt with other women in front of us we will lose it. And if you continue to call us “crazy” for having a bad reaction to your bad behavior, you’re the real lunatic.

men deserve crazy women

6.They won’t commit either will they break up 

They’ll dump us but keep coming around. Or they’ll commit but not act like they’re committed. Men make up your minds and then follow through. Seriously, it’s not that hard. Just give it a try!

men deserve crazy women


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