12 Reasons Why Are You Still Single Even Though You’re A Catch


7.You believe in focusing on yourself first.
The first thing to do before sharing your life with someone else is knowing who you really are and what do want in your life. When you’re still not complete, it’s unfair to offer someone only half of yourself.

Single you’re a catch

8.You are waiting for someone who knows how awesome you are.
You’re amazing, so why would you even bother being with someone who doesn’t equal you in that? It’ll totally be worth waiting for someone who knows and believe how awesome you actually are.

Single you’re a catch

9.You love single life.
When your life is already perfect, it’s hard to want to bring someone else into it. While you may want a boyfriend, there’s the fact that having one will change the life you’ve made for yourself. There’s nothing wrong with change, but sometimes you don’t want it and it’s not good for you.

Single you’re a catch


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