12 Signs Of Trust Issues In A Relationship That Will Ruin Your Relationship


4.You stalk them on social media

You stalk their every activity and interaction on social media; from checking their Facebook account, to scrolling their Instagram pages to checking their every tweet. And the worst part comes when you fight with them just because they liked someone’s status or picture.

Trust Issues In A Relationship

5.You become too clingy

You should not upset the healthy balance in a relationship by unrealistic expectations making one partner become overly dependent, clingy, or demanding. If this occurs, it could easily lead to a vicious cycle wherein trust within a relationship degrades.

Trust Issues In A Relationship

6.You act in a selfish and demanding manner

If you have doubts about yourself, you may be inclined to blame it on your partner instead of making an effort to resolve them. This is a sign of an insecure individual as they tend to act selfish and blame everything on the other.

Trust Issues In A Relationship


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