Some Badass And Essential Skills To Learn That Will Change Your 20s.


When you reach the 20s, life changes. You start to hear words like responsibilities, right career and what not. It’s the phase in everyone’s life when you need to learn a few skills that will change your life and will be beneficial for you. So, what are those skills that people in 20s should know? Keep reading to find out these badass skills.

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Here are the 12 badass life skills that will change your 20s. Let’s take a look!

1. Learn to code

Yes, you might have heard about it a lot from every career counseller. But trust me it’s a fact. With the rise of data science and machine learning, if you have coding skills, it will be much easier for you to get a job in a good sector.

skills to learn in your 20s


2. Understand your family tree

It is essential to know where you came from. Sit with your grandmother, try to understand the family tree. It will give you a perspective on your future journey.

skills to learn in your 20s


3. Speak confidently in public

One major thing you need to learn is to stand up and be able to speak confidently in front of people. Some people are born with this talent, but if your hands and voice still shake, keep practicing.

skills to learn in your 20s


4. Learn to say no

You don’t always have to be extra nice and say yes to everyone and help them with everything. It’s important to know when enough is enough.

skills to learn in your 20s


5. Photography

You need to necessarily learn but keep taking pictures so you can cherish old memories. Not just selfie but take nature and animal pictures too, it will make you fall in love with everything you see around you.

skills to learn in your 20s


6. Master a cool party trick

It will surely make people cheer for you at the bar or a house party. You can impress people with your cool tricks. It can be a simple dance trick or a magic trick.

skills to learn in your 20s


7. Be happy for other people

You saw people visiting other countries, your college friends getting a better job than you, you will always see things like these on Instagram. Be happy for them and don’t feel bad about yourself. It’s good for them but you need to focus on your things and make them happen. Let your success speak out and not the Instagram stories.

skills to learn in your 20s


8. Use your phone just as a tool and not as a lifeline

Don’t be so addicted to smartphones. You will only end up wasting your time. Go out, meet people in person, do more of offline work.

skills to learn in your 20s


9. A perfect and firm handshake

How you handshake tells a lot about your personality. When you greet someone, greet them with a smile and a solid handshake. This simple trick will make them realize that you are a power player too.

skills to learn in your 20s


10. Learn to defend yourself

Be it work or home or maybe a small argument with your friends, don’t always take the blame on yourself even if it’s not you. Learn to take a stand and defend yourself.

skills to learn in your 20s


11. Walk away from a toxic relationship

If you know that your relationship is not gonna work out, try to come out of it before it gets toxic. Your time and energy are valuable and limited, spend it wisely.

skills to learn in your 20s


12. Judging people and unnecessary drama

Cut the gossip shit a little bit. It won’t make you feel good, also it won’t make others feel good. Separate yourself from people who always make a drama out of everything and seek attention.

skills to learn in your 20s


Also read: Some Interesting Things To Learn When Everyone Else Is Getting Married.


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