Sounds Strange, But Your Poop Can Actually Tell You Whether You’re Healthy Or Not!


3. If your poop is blood reddish or blackish red in color, it means-

your poop can tell whether you are healthy or not


Healthy and normal poop is generally medium to dark brown in color. So a deflection from that generally indicates that something is wrong with you.

your poop can tell whether you are healthy or notvia

The blackish or reddish color indicates that your GI tract is probably bleeding and hence there is a change in the color. It is because the sulfur in the digestive tract reacts with the bismuth and forms bismuth sulfide which gives the black colored substance. But sometimes the food you eat also can affect the color of your poop. Say for example you eat beetroot it will have a reddish hue.

4. If your poop is green in color, it means-

your poop can tell whether you are healthy or notvia

If it is green, seaweed like in color then it means that you have Clostridium difficile (C. diff) infection. This is actually more commonly seen after a course of antibiotics.

your poop can tell whether you are healthy or notvia

C. diff is the normal  present in your digestive tract, but when you take antibiotics it kills the good bacteria present in your body which keeps the C. diff in check. The increase in such levels may result in dehydration and cause serious stomach issues. So you need to consult your doctor immediately and stop taking that certain antibiotic. 


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