These 13 Illustrations Are Proof Why The Daddy-Daughter Bond Is The Best!


From a very young age, we girls tend to look up to our fathers as superheroes. There’s absolutely nothing they can’t do, and no matter what the problem may be, we know that they’ll find the solution to it. For girls, dads are their first love. We look for the qualities that our fathers have in the men we choose to fall in love with. Well, the daddy-daughter bond is really a special feeling that always lasts no matter how old we grow.

The daddy-daughter bond is the best, and these illustrations prove it!

daddy-daughter bond

Not too long ago a very talented artist named Soosh had taken the internet by storm with her paintings.

daddy-daughter bond

The people really loved her illustrations and her work became loved and appreciated by all.

daddy-daughter bond

Soosh wasn’t that close to her father, neither did her father make any efforts to involve in her life.

daddy-daughter bond

Her father had always been emotionally disconnected with her and this is what haunts her to this day.

But now she’s turning this negative memory into a positive initiative to encourage fathers to interact with their daughters.

Because it becomes a huge part of her life and also shapes her up for the future when she’s ready to face the world.

Soosh was really overwhelmed by the positive reaction from the audience and wanted to carry this project further.

Though her work is widely appreciated yet there have been negative comments about her work as well.

Do the people often ask why she only draws the father and not the mother? Why is the father so big in appearance as compared to the tiny daughter?

Soosh’s response to these comments are reflected in her work, the huge importance of fathers in their daughters’ life is something that is depicted by the story.

Behind these lovely heartwarming illustrations her main motive is for he son to grow into a generous young man who nurtures the qualities of love and affection for others.

She feels that everybody in this world has a positive side to them and we should always acknowledge their efforts and positivity rather than discouraging them with hateful comments.

The little girl represents the tiny hope that daughters have to be loved and cherished by their fathers. Children need nothing but love to grow into beautiful human beings. And fathers do have a very important role to play. It’s not about who gives the love, the father or the mother, it’s about giving love.


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