These Celebrity Bodyguards Definitely Deserve To Be On The Magazine Covers!


Hollywood celebrities definitely need protection, from their haters, paparazzi, and sometimes even from overwhelmed fans as well. But, who are these superheroes who are constantly protecting our superstars? How much do we really know about them? Well, one thing’s for sure, after watching the handsome celebrity bodyguards you too would want to hire them!

These celebrity bodyguards are no less than handsome hunks themselves!

1. Bella Hadid definitely needs a bodyguard and who better than this beautiful blue-eyed charismatic man who can turn the cameras of the paparazzi to himself in an instant.

2. This Canadian singer’s bodyguard definitely is a star himself, he has been a model and has done many photoshoots.

3. Jennifer Lopez’s bodyguard Anthony looks no less than a star himself, definitely should try in Hollywood.

4. Hot Jennifer Lawrence definitely has a fantastic choice when it comes to selecting her bodyguards, first it was the gorgeous Greg Lenz, who was replaced by this tall and dark-haired man.

5. Fergie’s bodyguard, the lady frontman of The Black Eyed Peas has this Judo master as her protector.

6. Tim Chung, Kylie’s Jenner’s bodyguard, we all know this handsome hunk who was in the news regarding Kylie’s pregnancy. Tim has undertaken many modeling contracts.

7. Ezra Miller’s bodyguard Gu Rubee, the mysterious Ezra Miller has hired a fashionista as his bodyguard misses no opportunity to grab the camera’s attention whenever he gets a chance.
celebrity bodyguards8. Heidi Klum’s bodyguard Martin Kristen, he has often grabbed the media’s attention and has served the Klums for a long time.

celebrity bodyguards
9. Julias de Boer, Beyonce’s bodyguard is the best in this job, besides being incredibly handsome, he speaks 5 languages and has offices providing bodyguarding services all over the world.
celebrity bodyguards
10. Lady Gaga’s bodyguard, former Dutch police officer, Peter van den Veen was named Mister Europe 2005 definitely worthy of the title!
celebrity bodyguards


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