12 Things To Focus On When You Know That Your Man Is Not Interested In You.


7.Stop making excuses for him.

When you already know the truth you should stop making excuses for him and taking his side. When you know that he is cheating on you and taking you for granted, don’t overlook that and move on.

Things to focus on when your man is not interested in you

8.Your life is valuable even when he doesn’t witness it.

When it’s the beginning of a relationship, you get to hear all those sweet words and praises you want to hear but as soon as the time passes all these is just something that seems irritating. Remember that he doesn’t need to witness your life in order for it to be authentic. You don’t need his validation. All of the fabulous, beautiful, wonderful things about you exist with or without him and, really, you’re probably better off without him.

Things to focus on when your man is not interested in you

9.Don’t text him or talk to him.

If he is not initiating conversation and taking interest in talking to you, you should probably understand what his intentions are. Ignore him and just take a break.

Things to focus on when your man is not interested in you


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