13 Happening Things That Shows Why It Sucks Being Fat


Whether it’s about being oversized or too skinny, no one is completely satisfied with what they have. It really sucks when people taunt you for being FAT because only you know that it’s not that easy to lose weight, especially when you are a foodie and don’t like workouts at all.
So here is some common thing which will tell you that why it sucks being Fat?

Your friends get awkward about accidentally saying FAT
On random discussion when your friends unintentionally made comments about being fat and then after a sudden realisation they get a little awkward.

 Things That Shows Why It Sucks Being Fat

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You often get advised on changing diet and joining gyms.
Even if you are happy with what you eat. Even when you hate working out. They won’t let you live peacefully, this is one of the major reasons why it sucks being fat.

 Things That Shows Why It Sucks Being Fat

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It’s hard to shop with your average sized friends.
Even when your friends are completely fine with it. It sometimes feels bad because you always need a plus size, which is not even available most of the times.

 Things That Shows Why It Sucks Being Fat

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