Things You Should Never Tell The Customer Service


Most of the times, people contact customer service representatives only when they have some issues. People generally contact customer service when they have some issues and expect them to solve them as soon as possible. You might be in a bad mood because things are not working your way and things can escalate even before you know it. With tension running high, you can end up saying inappropriate things that might disrespect the person on the other end.

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1. Never say, “you people…”

The person at the other end is working for the company and is most of the times not directly concerned with your problem. You should be considerate towards them.

customer service


2. “You better fix the issues that your company has caused”

The customer service representative should not be treated like a punching bag. Any form of abuse should be completely avoided.

customer service



3. “What do you mean, I can’t?”
It is pointless to expect customer service representatives to solve all of your issues right away. They don’t control the rules, they just enforce them.



4. ”You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Even if your experience with a particular product hasn’t been particularly good, it doesn’t mean you can accuse customer service of not knowing about what they are talking as they deal with a ton of customers like you on a daily basis.

customer service



5. “Let me talk to your manager.”

This will make the representative uneasy and also create a negative opinion about you. They would refrain from going the extra mile to resolve your issue.

customer service



6. “How hard can your job be?”

You should never insult the work the customer service, or anyone for that matter is doing.



7. “I won’t pay that!”

In most of the cases, the customer service representative does not gain anything if you pay or not. So saying this line is kind of worthless.

customer service



8. “I am going to sue you.”

You might use this line to threaten the person on the other end but most of the organizations have dedicated legal departments to handle such issues. He/She might just say “not my problem then” and cut the conversation.

customer service



9. “Is there someone there who speaks better English?”

Some companies outsource their customer service department to other countries. Many companies might also hire immigrants that have some spice of their accent. You must never discriminate on the basis of race.



10. ”I also hate this thing about one of your products.”

You must let the customer service rep speak and not just vent about your problems.




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