Your Tongue Type Says A Lot About Your Personality And The Facts Are Surprisingly Interesting


Have you ever tried knowing about your tongue type? We take so many mirror selfies but we hardly have time to look at our tongue and most of the people don’t even know about the tongue type they have. Your type of tongue reveals a lot about your personality and these facts are really interesting.

tongue type and personality



Are you still wondering what tongue type you have? Don’t worry we’ll help you to find out your type, so you can check out the amazing secrets they reveal about your personality.

This is what your tongue type says about your personality. Watch your tongue 😉

1. Thick Tongue

People with this tongue type are usually high tempered. They love to dominate in a relationship and also rule at home.

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2. Thin Tongue

People with thin tongue communicate too much but have a clean heart personality. These individuals are straight and don’t have a tendency to harm people.

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3. Long tongue

People with long tongue are wise. Furthermore, women who have long tongue love their husband the most but with some exceptions.

tongue and personality



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