These 12 Spoiled Kids You Won’t Believe Exist. They’ll Give You A Tough Time


When we were growing up we didn’t have iPads and Xboxes to play games. We were happy with our soft toys and lego house but things have completely changed today. Today’s generations kids are much more advanced than we were in our childhood. Basically, they have got it all. Here we have got a list of most spoiled kids you won’t believe exist. Their demands and wishes are way too higher than normal kids.

Let’s look at these top 12 spoiled kids from around the world. They literally own more than most of us.

1. When this girl got a Lexus but it’s not the car she wanted

This girl got a Lexus $67,000 as an early birthday present by her mom but she didn’t really like as it’s not the car she wanted. Like all other spoiled kids, she shouted on her mom for getting the wrong car and said, “you ruined my day. I f**king hate you.”

spoiled kids

2. Again a car but the wrong color

This girl’s name is McKenzie and she was all set to get a grand birthday surprise. Her dad got her a new car but the moment she saw the car, she got all angry and she was so mad that she even refused to take the test drive. She wanted a blue car but it was red. Well, they later thought of getting it repainted.

spoiled kids

3. Ann Frank- The MacBook girl

Anna Fank must be one of the most spoiled kids on this list. She wanted a Samsung Galaxy phone but her mom got her a different model. This made her so angry that she broke one of her MacBooks. She uses each MacBook for different purposes. She also put it on YouTube and explained about it that went viral in just a few days. She also asked for a donation in the video as their financial condition isn’t very good.


spoiled kids 


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