20 Helpful But Tough Truth About Life No One Wants to Admit

  1. We default to judging others by their actions and ourselves by our ideals.
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Be the type of person you want to meet and be around.  Be the type of person whose actions, words, and values always agree with one another.

  1. We don’t always get what we give.
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Tough truth is You will end up sadly disappointed if you expect people will always do for you as you do for them.  Not everyone has the same heart as you.

  1. None of us know anyone worth continually blaming.
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Steal your power back.  Free yourself to step forward on your own two legs.  The best part of your life will start on the day you decide your life is your own, with no one to endlessly lean on, rely on, or blame.

  1. It’s easier to hold on to the way things are than it is to let go and grow.
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Tough truth is letting go and moving forward means coming to the realization that some things are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny. 


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