10 Types Of Girls You Will Find In Your College


6. Miss Popular.

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Image source: tumblr.com

She knows everyone and everyone knows her. Her popularity becomes evident by the number of followers she has on the social networking sites. In a crisis? Let her know. She will find a way out using her ‘connections’.

7. The talented girl.

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Image source: giphy.com

She is either a singer or a dancer or an orator or has some talent of the sort. She is a regular participant in the fests, events, and competitions of the college and also sought for, to represent the college in inter-college events.

8. The good-natured girl.

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Image source: pinterest.com

She is one girl everyone is fond of and friends with. Even guys. Missed a lecture? Ask her and she will help you with everything she has. She is jolly and easy-going and seldom in a bad mood. Her good nature is infectious and people love to be around her.


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