Ridiculously Unreasonable Fears That We Still Wonder Why Are In Existence


There are a number of fears which have helped humans in many ways. These phobias have aided humanity in its survival. People do fear from heights, deep water, fire or even animals. As far as these fears are concerned, it is all good. But there exist a few unreasonable fears which are ridiculous. These phobias show how sensitive people can be from the things happening around us. From the opening of closets to swimming in dark, these all are unreasonable fears that are unusual.

1. Fear Of Butterflies
Unreasonable fears fear

It is called lepidopterophobia. And listen, fear of spiders (arachnophobia) makes sense. But who the hell gets scared from butterflies?

2. Fear Of Living In A Ground Floor
Unreasonable fears fear

This is a bit weird phobia, where people are afraid to live on the ground floor. Theories suggest that it may be due to fear of building collapse (claustrophobia) and fear of people passing by (agoraphobia).

3. Fear Of Opening Closets
Unreasonable fears fear

Auchloclaustrophobia is what it is called. And we mustn’t forget to thank all the horror movies for making this possible. Phew!

4. Fear Of Standing On Glass Flooring
Unreasonable fears fear

Closely related to the fear of heights (acrophobia), this makes people afraid of “what if the glass breaks?”. They couldn’t bear what it takes to stand above the city streets.

5. Fear Of Being Out Of Mobile Network Coverage
Unreasonable fears fear

Technology has turned us all into puppets. We are so much in control that it makes us feel anxious if something doesn’t work. Take this fear, for example, it is legit and is called nomophobia.

6. Fear Of Bubbles
Unreasonable fears fear

It is called Ebuillophobia. And what? Really? Like seriously? You’re afraid of bubbles? No ways!

7. Fear Of Walking Under The Bridges
Unreasonable fears fear

This is one such unreasonable fears, that builds up anxiety when you decide to walk under the bridge. It is known as Gephyrophobia.

8. Fear Of Physical Deformity
Unreasonable fears fear

Are you a gymnast? A football player? A basketball player? A boxer? If yes, this fear makes sense. If not, well, this fear, isn’t a fear.

9. Fear Of Death
Unreasonable fears fear

For those of you questioning why is it on this list. Well, death is an inevitable part of our life process. Why to be afraid of it?

10. Fears Of Showers
Unreasonable fears fear

It is known as ablutophobia. And I bet, most of the people experience this fear when it’s winter.

11. Fear Of Fire Escapes
Unreasonable fears fear

It could be due to the fear of heights, where the victim couldn’t get the courage to escape. This phobia, however, is not a good thing to have.

12. Fear Of Spontaneous Combusting
Unreasonable fears fear

This is certainly the most unreasonable fears on this list. And the reason why we are saying this is because no such case has been reported as of now.


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