13 Useful Tips To Follow If You Keep Running Into Your Ex


It’s a mission and a half to get over your ex and move on. Especially when your ex keeps roaming around you. It makes you struggle harder. But now you don’t have to worry about it. We have a list of 13 useful tips for you to follow if you keep running into your ex. These will really help you avoid your ex and give you enough courage to start over your life once over again. So do take notes.

1. Run in the opposite direction

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Because that’s what you do in such chaotic situations to avoid interaction. How useful tips bruh!

Read: 13 Signs Your Man Thinks You’re The One For Him

2. Hide behind a plant

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A plant won’t help you hide properly. But you must give it a try once.

3. Or pretend you are a plant oblivious to your ex’s existence

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Who Mr Ex? I don’t know him. It’s really useful and helpful when the mission is to avoid a human.

4. Ask your friends to human-shield you

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This is what friends are for. They help you hide from your ex. Right?

5. Take refuge in a room nearby

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You can’t get such useful tips anywhere else. Hiding in a room is the best option. I’m telling you.

6. Rethink your life choices

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Why is it like this? Why do you have to do this? You might get the right answer.

7. Pretend to be busy on your phone 

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Endless scrolling through hilarious memes is the most useful thing to do to avoid your ex.

8. Plug in your earphones and zone out

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Music is the best remedy. It actually touches your soul which helps you avoid people better. These tips thou.

9. Pretend you are having an existential crisis

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It’s not that hard. Not hard enough as talking to your ex.

10. Bury your head in a book/newspaper

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Because it hides your face and your ex fails to recognize you.

11. Talk loudly about how fun last night was

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It will dunk your ex into complete embarrassment and anger. Where else are you going to get these helpful tips?

12. Awkwardly wait for them to leave

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Well, you can do this too. But it will clearly present your dumb personality.

13. Or you could just confront them and put an end to the torture

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This is the dad of useful tips. Just confront them and it will all be over. Go for it!!


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