Walmart Is Surely A Place Of Bizarre Incidents That Will Make You LOL.


13. Someone with a *Movable Garden* stopped by. This is certainly a great way to preserve our flora.

Bizarre incidents that have occured at Walmart.


14. Now that is why we call Homo sapiens as *Social Animals*. Why would someone roam around like that? This man is undoubtedly a crazy person. 😀

Bizarre incidents that have occured at Walmart. Via

15. This person for sure has amazing guts if the crocodile is for real and I really hope that it’s real. Anyhow, why would a person carry a toy animal like that? Strange enough!

Bizarre incidents that have occured at Walmart. Via

16. Looking for some cool definitions? Roam around Walmart and write them down. They have defined ‘Tree’ in a hilarious way ever. 

Bizarre incidents that have occured at Walmart. Via 


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