White Walkers Of Game Of Thrones Take A Break From Westeros And Go To London.


Game of Thrones fans are eagerly counting down the days and now with only 3 days left, White Walkers have been sent to London to terrorize the locals. White Walkers want to destroy the Wall, but before the start of Season 7, they are taking a leisurely vacation to London. They are posing for cameras, doing window shopping, and even made sure to pay their respects to the queen. They even posed for a few group photos in front of Buckingham Palace.

Coolest promotion ever: Look at these actors who are taking over London after going through four hours of makeup to look exactly like the icy white walkers.

1. They just nailed it and it’s hard to distinguish if they are the real White Walkers

White Walkers of Game of Thrones

2. Everybody calmly posing for the camera

White Walkers of Game of Thrones

3. “What are these red things with four wheels that keep making beep sound”

White Walkers of Game of Thrones

4. Over Tower bridge

White Walkers of Game of Thrones

5. Terrorizing the locals


White Walkers of Game of Thrones


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