Your Bartender Is Probably Robbing You By Making You Spend More!


After a hectic week, everybody wants to cool off and forget their tensions for the weekend. And, so what we do is visit our nearest bar to get some alcohol into our system that will probably help us get through the next week. But, no matter how big a smile your bartender flashes at you, he is robbing you! Yes, he is and you won’t even find out how.

Here are some of the tricks that the bartenders use to make you spend more without you even realizing!

1. More foam less beer.

We have often seen the bear glasses having more foam than actual beer, but either we are too busy to notice it, or feel really shy about it. But, if you really want to get the correct value of your money, wait it out till the foam gets cleared and ask your bartender politely to fill the top.

2. Your special order.

Many a time we see people ordering cocktails that aren’t even on the menu. But, he will definitely make it for you using cheap alcohol but will charge you equivalent to the expensive one.

3. Add a little water.

We all know ice dissolves quicker in alcohol, so to prevent it from diluting the alcohol, what he does is adds some cold water. The ice will take longer to melt and you’ll not notice the difference.

4. Using dark or matte glasses with a thicker bottom.

C’mon, you’ve at least used your common sense to figure this one out, haven’t you? Well, experienced bartenders use really dark glasses or glasses with thicker bottom to make it appear like there’s more liquid in the glass than what actually is present.

5. Beware of the fake ones.

Putting cheap alcohol in an expensive bottle is the oldest trick in the book. You can definitely figure the difference by looking at the color, but if you’re unable to figure it out by the taste, goodbye money!

6. Using different proportions.

Please don’t fall for this trap, when the bartender doesn’t add any soda to your drink, your drink tastes much stronger as opposed to when it is mixed with soda. But, the amount of alcohol remains the same.

7. Free snacks for your drinks.


You may really feel happy about getting free snacks with your drink, but have you ever paid attention to how thirsty you get after eating these snacks? It, in turn, makes you order more drinks.

8. The straw has hidden tricks too!


Did you know that the straw that you use to drink up your favorite cocktail has some amount of alcohol in it? which makes the first sip taste really strong and it would surely

9. Using the bar pourer.


We’ve all seen the fancy bar pourer that they use to pour the drinks does nothing but gives us the illusion that they are taking more time to pour our drink and hence are pouring more drink. But, in reality, they pour equal amounts of drink in both cases, when using a pourer or when not using one.

10. The not-so-measuring cup.


Yep, this cup that the fancy bartenders use to measure the drink before pouring has a blocking metal placed inside that actually measures less than what actually has been shown.


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