15 Common English Words You Might Be Using Incorrectly!


A society where English is a measure of intelligence, we are expected to be best in playing with words. But we can’t get perfect in languages whether it’s English or our national language. Since life is all about improving so we can bring a slight improvement in our English language with every passing day. We shouldn’t stop learning.

Common English words sometimes make us assume a different meaning of them. But if we bother to take help from dictionary we will be quite shocked to see the real definition of those words. Those common words play quite well with us. But not anymore.

The confusion created by common English words need to end. Therefore, here is a piece of writing to help you correct yourself where you’re wrong. I’m sure there are quite a lot of common English words you might be using incorrectly but that doesn’t make you dumb or useless. You need to have faith and confidence in yourself.

So let’s beat these common English words by knowing the real meaning of them.

1. Inflammable

common English words


Incorrect: not easily set on fire.

Correct: capable of being set on fire.

2. Bimonthly 

common English words


Incorrect: occurring twice a month.

Correct: occurring once every two months.

3. Alternately

common English words


Incorrect: another option or other.

Correct: occurring one after the other.

4. Complimentary

common English words


Incorrect: things that compliment or work together.

Correct: expressing a compliment or praise; a free offer.

5. Literally

common English words


Incorrect: used for emphasis.

Correct: in a literal sense; actually.

6. i.e.

common English words


Incorrect: for example; used before listing multiple examples.

Correct: that is; the only possible example.


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