This Dog, Coco Loves To Stand On Her Back Feet!


This Is Coco And She Really Likes To Stand On Her Back Feet!

It would appear that Coco the Maltese pooch heard Word Up! by Cameo and chose to answer the calling. After her owners showed her the stunt, Coco is constantly placing her paws in the air like she simply can’t care less. Presently, even her owners can’t take care of business. She’s doing it anywhere she wants and anytime she wants.


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Coco’s owners decided to document her funky ways.

They made an Instagram profile for the puppy, Coco and her sister Cici, consistently transferring photos of the little Maltese furball approaching her direction. More than 231K individuals are following Coco and Cici’s undertakings, making them one of the most well known Dog duo on the Internet!


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Katee Lauchner, Coco’s owner say,

“We had a Maltese for almost 13 years before Coco and she had passed away. We were devastated and couldn’t handle not having a dog in the house so I went online in search of another female Maltese, and that’s how I found Coco. She was from a local breeder in Arizona.”


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She further adds,

“Coco is actually Cici’s aunt but we call them sisters in our home. Coco is super sweet, kind and gentle. She’s almost human-like and she doesn’t care to play with her toys, she’d rather be sitting next to her humans getting belly rubs.”

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Coco’s training was easier than usual.

Lauchner say,

“Within only a week of having her as she was already trained to do sit and then the following week she learned ‘down’. Then it was roll-over and then high five! Our other Maltese was not this smart so we knew Coco was super special! She then learned to ‘sit pretty’ which is the pose you see in most pictures! She was trained to stay seated and then just sit up but she gets so excited that almost every time she will stand up and put her paws in the air.”

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Katee said that Coco is so food-motivated!

“We swear there’s a human inside her as she seems to understand us when we talk, even when we say look into the camera, she makes direct eye contact, it’s crazy and cool at the same time. We never force either dog to do anything they don’t want to do.”

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