17 Life Lessons We Really Should’ve Learned By Now!


Well, we are humans and we learn from our mistakes. But there are some people who probably went too far before realizing what they did. But as they say, we learn lessons from other’s mistakes as well. I’m sure you too want to stay clear of making these hilarious decisions, which will make you regret forever and you’d wish that you would’ve learned them too.

Here are 17 lessons we really should’ve learned by now! 

1. It is so so ridiculously annoying when people back stab you like this! I mean why? You should learn not to trust your friends when it comes to taking your photos.



2. I think the lesson you should’ve learned was to never DRIVE again. Don’t blame the spaghetti bro!

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3. Now, I’m all for following what your heart thinks right. But worshiping Mr. Cargo? That is going a bit too far buddy!

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4. How the hell the kid keep her calm looking like Valak in the first place O.o Honestly, I would scream at myself if I was dressed up like that and I took a look in the mirror!

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5. Now, as far as the goose handling lesson goes. Have food in your hand or go home. Yep, just that. Oh, c’mon she’s a female after all!

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Read also: The Internet Simply Can’t Get Over The Best Man Ruining This Couple’s Wedding Ceremony!

6. Keep smiling they said, you’ll look smart they said. How they betrayed us precious! (Why was she smiling though? :/)

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7. Daddy, sugar daddy? Nah b*tch, I’m the DAD! (She clearly wasn’t expecting this!)

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8. Not sure how could anybody not recognize their bundle of joy? But next time lady, make sure you know which one’s your dog!

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9. Truth be told. I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time. And I really think that…Nope, Monday sucks! I don’t want to learn this lesson. Monday sucks. Period.

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10. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Girl, by the looks of it. You look like the bigger idiot here. Don’t, I repeat DON’T trust this guy!

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11. Parenting 101, if it gets too quiet in the house while your kids are awake. You’re in big trouble buddy!

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12. SnapChat, why you do this? ;_;

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13. And I “HOPE” she’s learned her necessary lessons. Next time you walk into a tattoo parlor try not to use the ‘Surprise me’!

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14. REBLE? If this isn’t what being ‘scarred’ for life means. I don’t know what is!

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15. Every time I’m trynna be serious about my diet.

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16. What on good Earth is that?! 

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17. So, imagine you’re drunk AF and you’ve got to climb these stairs. Yeah, me neither.

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